
Bonding With Family Through Reading

One of the best thing families can do for one another is sharing time together. Quality time not only strengthens and creates family ties, but it also provides everyone in the family with a sense of belonging and comfort. In fact, research has shown that children not only learn essential social skills but also have better self-esteem while families enjoy experiences together. Healthy family ties also foster better children’s conduct, increase school achievement, improve contact between parent and child, and teach your child how to be a good friend.

 Reading together is the most joyful and meaningful way of bringing families together. Reading is fundamentally social in a unique way. Reading at home together for just thirty minutes a day will transform the life of your child, and yours too. Here are five ideas, all at the same time, to bring those lifelong ties and help your child become a reader.

1. Let your child choose his books.

Make your child’s reading personality very personal with a book collection. Celebrate his interests and curiosities by choosing read-aloud about topics, locations, and individuals he is asking about or enthusiastic about. To become a genuine specialist, inspire your child to explore different genres, and learn more about a lifetime passion.

Help your child make a tailored reading basket or create an online file to store favorite books. Mark a basket or a file with the name of your child. Celebrate the link between your child and favorite writers and produce baskets and files to establish awareness of these authors.

2. Create conversations from the book. 

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Be a “close listener” and ask your child to express his views, emotions, and feelings about the books that you read together aloud. “Ask open-ended questions like:” Who do you think will happen next? “Why do you think the character made that decision?” “What opinion do you have?” “What are you feeling after reading this?” You should also chat about a book’s illustrations, invite discussions, and ask if your child notices about it.

In a book, welcome stuff that your child does not like, so he can explain why. If he just doesn’t like it, he may even opt to avoid reading a book entirely. Readers have clear opinions of what they read, and this is something to really celebrate.

3. Make reading portable.

Make a habit of reading aloud with your child before bedtime. Take a bag of books on car rides, subway, and bus commutes. Listen to recordings of excellent

audiobooks—pack books for a long drive, along with a favorite book of your child. Get the extended family together to invite grandma to a read aloud by doing a Skype or internet hangout. Reading does not only happen at school; you can do it everywhere if you and your child are really eager to learn and read.

4. Celebrate mini-milestones.

Celebrate the reading experience with your family. Every time you finish a book, track the minutes and types of readings, you do together and cheer as you hit your targets. Hang the chart on the fridge and attempt to fill the card as a “unit” by reading aloud together from several different genres, drawing in your achievements: poetry, nonfiction posts, educational books, short stories, comics, and more.

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When your child begins to remember writers’ titles and requests the same author for more books when your child asks several times a day to read aloud; when your child reads alone for five minutes longer than ever before; when your child reads to a younger family member aloud. You generate a family community of caring, embracing, and giving by affirming these mini-milestones.

5. Reading reveals the mirrors and windows of life.

Reading allows us to see the different personalities of a person and see the other windows of life. Reading with your kids can open conversations like, “Who do you think you are in the characters in the book?” “Do you think we can experience life the same way as the characters did? By this, your child can think and reflect on who he is and see life from another perspective. Listen to their opinions, and you can guide them by analyzing the story.

The long-term influence of reading goes far beyond developing expertise in literacy. You will open your kids up to new things by reading both individually and as a family. Reading together provides a unique bonding opportunity that, particularly during this month when we celebrate relationships, will reinforce your family.

Take Advantage of the Technology

Your help and effort to teach your kid to read and learn to love reading is an excellent way to enhance their skills. But reaching out to an expert outside can greatly help the level of your kid. Enrolling them in an online reading class like the Dicker Reading program can benefit them in a way you can never imagine.

Together, let’s achieve what is best for our child with online reading tutoring.



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