
SAT Prep and Tutoring for Struggling Students

Discover How The Dicker Reading Method Takes The Struggle Out Of SAT Prep

Start Now with the Dicker Reading Method 

Standardized tests are a huge part of high school stress, and you want your child to be as ready as possible to take on that challenge. Other SAT preparation programs will give your student 1,000 to 2,000 words on flashcards, without a strategy for mastering them. The Dicker Reading Method exposes students to up to 20,000 new words over the course of a student’s time here, and ensures that a student will know what each word means, and be able to use it correctly. We’ve developed a technique that will allow your student to learn five words and their meanings per minute, making them into a stronger, more confident and fluent reader. Our Reading Comprehension curriculum teaches students to cite sources, find evidence, and pick useful information out of texts to answer questions, and our writing program is integrated with the vocabulary and comprehension curricula. These are the skills your child will need to succeed on their standardized tests throughout middle and high school.

When your student feels confident in their ability to write, feels familiar and comfortable with words and their parts, it will open doors both in school and out, removing the pain and struggle from their school career.


Solve your child’s reading problem.

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