Writing and Spelling Tutoring and Help
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Learn how your child can improve their writing and spelling skills significantly.
If you ask your student how they feel about writing or spelling, chances are good they won’t tell you they like them. Most students feel that they aren’t good writers, and struggle to write for school. Unfortunately, writing and spelling are an integral part of our educational system, and your child will need to be able to write, not only for school but in their life. Here at Dicker Reading Method, Our reading and writing tutor will teach your child to write competently and comfortably while also strengthening their reading and spelling skills. In order to be a strong writer, and by extension a confident speller, one must first be a strong reader. Because we know this, our writing program is integrated with our vocabulary and reading comprehension programs, so that as your child picks up new words, they will learn to spell and use them correctly in context, through writing. They will start by writing sentences for each vocabulary word; this, in combination with our word recognition techniques, will naturally cement the proper spellings of words for your child. As time passes and your student builds confidence, they will move on to using two, three, four, or five words in one sentence.
As they master this skill, they will advance to writing paragraphs, and eventually whole stories using the words that they are learning at the Dicker Reading Method. In this way, we teach your child to write with fluency, confidence, and an understanding of the language that they are using, as well as accurate spelling. In combination with our reading comprehension program, students will also learn to find and use evidence from reading materials to support arguments. This is an important part of expository writing in school and will help your child master essays for English class and on standardised tests.
Learn how your child can improve their writing and spelling skills significantly.
If you ask your student how they feel about writing or spelling, chances are good they won’t tell you they like them. Most students feel that they aren’t good writers, and struggle to write for school. Unfortunately, writing and spelling are an integral part of our educational system, and your child will need to be able to write, not only for school but in their life. Here at Dicker Reading Method, we will teach your child to write competently and comfortably while also strengthening their reading and spelling skills. In order to be a strong writer, and by extension a confident speller, one must first be a strong reader. Because we know this, our writing program is integrated with our vocabulary and reading comprehension programs, so that as your child picks up new words, they will learn to spell and use them correctly in context, through writing. They will start by writing sentences for each vocabulary word; this, in combination with our word recognition techniques, will naturally cement the proper spellings of words for your child. As time passes and your student builds confidence, they will move on to using two, three, four, or five words in one sentence.
As they master this skill, they will advance to writing paragraphs, and eventually whole stories using the words that they are learning at the Dicker Reading Method. In this way, we teach your child to write with fluency, confidence, and an understanding of the language that they are using, as well as accurate spelling. In combination with our reading comprehension program, students will also learn to find and use evidence from reading materials to support arguments. This is an important part of expository writing in school and will help your child master essays for English class and on standardised tests.
When your student feels confident in their ability to write, feels familiar and comfortable with words and their parts, it will open doors both in school and out, removing the pain and struggle from their school career.