
Four Ways to Help Frustrated Child In At-Home Learning

With the recent change to at-home schooling, parents everywhere are witnessing the change of learning. At-home learning differs greatly from school learning, where kids can interact face to face with their teachers and classmates.

Now that most schools are implementing virtual learning, your kid is stuck at home and in front of their gadgets listening to their teachers. At first, as a parent, you will think that this is a good idea as your kid does not need to travel going to school and only at-home learning its lessons.

But as time goes by, there are some days where you see your kid frowning, slouching on his chair, and not listening to the class. How can we deal with this kind of situation, especially that they feel frustrated learning at home?

We have to remember that kid’s learning styles, behaviors, and interests differ every day. As a parent, we also need to know how we can help them to resolve this frustration. We must have the resilience to our kids to handle this kind of issue.

We just need to improve this skill in order for us to help our kids work through their anger. We can help them avoid these natural feelings and not get in their way in their home learning by helping them understand how to handle their feelings in terms of frustration, stress, disappointment, and discouragement.

Four Techniques For Helping Children Handle Frustration

Understand and recognize your child’s emotions

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Anger, crying, avoidance, lack of involvement, or distractibility can surface as an annoyance. When a child feels frustrated studying online, a child easily gives up and when you see your child venting its emotions, observe the reasons and the patterns.

When they work on a specific subject, or at a certain time of day, do they become frustrated? After they have been sitting for a while, does dissatisfaction arise? Try to recognize the factors that appear to accompany their frustration; over time, you might also want to create a log to track trends.

By observing these patterns, you will know how you can work on them and teach him how to handle this feeling.

React calmly when your child is frustrated 

Witnessing your child’s strong emotions may cause you to feel anxiety, fear, or rage in turn. Although these are natural, understandable reactions, instead of being visibly upset with your child, it is important that you remain calm.

When your child sees you calm, they will also recognize how you handle your feelings and how you handle them. Thus, they will register in their mind how you react to this situation, and when you are calm, they will also feel calm.

Talk to them in a relaxed manner, although your child does not respond calmly right away. If you show them a hint of anger or frustration, they will also feel and react in the same manner.

Knowing how to stay calm dealing with their emotions will make them feel at ease later when they see that their emotions are valued.

Discuss with your child about his frustration 

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Take some time to talk about his problem. Teach your child to slowly count to 10 and practice breathing until he’s calm. As a parent, make sure to teach them this in order to aim to relieve their tension and anxiety.

Let your child understand that his emotions are valid. It is okay to feel frustrated sometimes when they feel that they are stress and cannot understand their lesson. Tell them also the time when you feel frustrated at something, and teach them how you cope with it so that they can learn from you.

Moreover, you can invite your child to talk about his problem too. Ask him the time when he feels sad, frustrated, or stressed. What makes him feel those emotions, and how he can deal with them. This will allow you to gain extra insight into their background and potential triggers.

Re-assess as needed

You know your child better than anyone else, and if you see them experiencing this kind of emotion, you know better how to approach them. But remember, what you think might work for them would not necessarily function in other moments they will have. Try to come up with a new approach if you start to find that your child appears to get upset while working on a different issue.


Being flexible and understandable is important to deal with your child’s frustration on its problem learning at home. Remember that your child is creating strength as they work through their feelings, and your role is to stay optimistic, compassionate, and dedicated to helping them. To teach your child that they can work through hard problems, use motivation, and model calm consistency.

Moreover, you can try enrolling your child in a Dicker Reading Method which involves specialized live online tutoring and teaching methods, which motivates your child to overcome his frustrations in his other classes plus learning how to read. Check them out today!


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